Transforming KUKA robot into FDM 3D printer


FDM 3D printer is developed using industrial KUKA robot KR6 R900, The Main objective of the project is to increase the work volume of a 3d printer and get a better accuracy of the printed parts for PLA(Poly Lactic Acid material). Arduino microcontroller is used to control the printerĀ parameters and software RoboDK with Slicer3 is used to generate code in Kuka Robotic Language (KRL) and Online control of the robot.

I worked on the calibration of a Kuka robot, To generate Kuka Robotic Language Code for printing and Nozzle Temperature control using PID and stepper motor control for extruder.

Skills used Arduino, RoboDk, Solidworks, SlicerĀ 

Team Members: Umesh Nimmalwar, Jatin Oswal, Rupesh Desai, Bhushan Darekar