‘Spanda’, A Soft Humanoid RobotMTech Project “HARPAL” A Haptic Palpation DeviceBiomedical Device Human Exoskeleton SuitDRDO Robotics and Unmanned System Exposition(DRUSE2018), Soft Robotics Upper Body Human Exoskeleton SuitBTech Project, Exoskeleton, Soft Robotics Development of Multi-chamber Pneumatic Twist Actuator for Soft robotSoft Robotics Transforming KUKA Robot into 3D printerIndustrial Robot Design and Development and testing of an OrnithopterFlying Machines Development of a Variable Stiffness ForearmSoft Robotics A Soft Exoglove for the paralysis patientsBiomedical Device, Soft Robotics Development of an Elbow ActuatorMTech Project, Soft Robotics Development of an automated buffing machine to impart multidirectional burnished surface finish for sheetsIndustry Project Development of RC AeroplanesFlying Machines Team Avishkar – Supermilage VehicleAutomobile Development of an Three Chamber ActuatorSoft Robotics Development of a Quadcopter (First Flight)Flying Machines Development of a DualcopterFlying Machines Development of Electrothermal ActuatorsSoft Robotics Development of Pneumatic Network ActuatorsSoft Robotics Hyperloop Pod Competition 2018Automobile, Hyperloop