• B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, S. Ohol Lower Body Passive Exoskeleton Using Control Enabled Two Way Ratchet (ICCCNT 2018, IISC Bangalore) [PDF]
  • P. Naik, A. Savarkar, B. Darekar, B. Ahuja “Design and Fabrication of Wall and Roof Climbing Robot (IEEE, ICIETS 2018, NIE Institute of Technology, Mysore.) [PDF]
  • P. Naik, J. Unde, B. Darekar  Structural Analysis and Optimization of Hyperloop Pod Chassis (IJRISE) 2018 Journal. Volume: 4 Issue: 5 Sep-Oct 2018 [PDF]
  • B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, P. Dhamangaonkar Cold Gas Propulsion System for HyperloopPodChassis (iCRAFT) 2018 BITS Dubai. [PDF][PPT]
  • B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, S. Ohol Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Powered Exoskeleton, Advances in Robotics [PDF]
  • B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, S. Ohol Development of Multi-Chamber Pneumatic Twist Actuator for Soft robot,( Rita 2019 )[URL]
  • Shah, B. Darekar, S. Salvi, A. Kowale “Quadriceps strength in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” [PDF]
  • B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, S. Ohol Development of pneumatic elbow actuator for soft robot”, In process [URL]
  • B. Darekar, P. Naik, J. Unde, S. Ohol Development and Analysis of a soft humanoid robot made up of Flexible Fluidic Actuators and Compliant Links” In process [URL]


  • A portable Haptic Feedback Device for screening and aiding in diagnosis by Palpation in Health Care

    Provisional Patet Filed : in 201821016457

  • Oral device for prevention of oral tissue injuries caused due to effect of local anesthetic during or after the medical procedure

    Provisional Patent Filed : in 201721041701

  • Mobile-optimized health software with search tools for tertiary/quaternary centers around rural regions and two-way quotations for health services.

    Provisional Patent Filed : in 201721042341

  • Quadricep’s force Measuring and Toe grip dynamometer device for the diagnosis assistance in a chronic obstruction pulmonary disease

     In process

  • A portable Haptic Feedback Device for screening and aiding in diagnosis by Palpation in Health Care

    in 201821016457

  • Oral device for prevention of oral tissue injuries caused due to effect of local anesthetic during or after the medical procedure

    in 201721041701

  • Mobile-optimized health software with search tools for tertiary/quaternary centers around rural regions and two-way quotations for health services.

    in 201721042341

  • Quadricep’s force Measuring and Toe grip dynamometer device for the diagnosis assistance in a chronic obstruction pulmonary disease

     In process